Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What We’re Eating: Olive & Sinclair Mexican Style Cinnamon Chili Bar

At first bite, there’s an initial kick of heat that is soon followed by the taste of cinnamon.  Instead of the heat building as you eat the Olive & Sinclair Cinnamon Chili bar, the cinnamon tones it down and the two flavors come together as perfect partners in crime. At the end of the melt, your throat is left tingling with a pleasant amount of spice.

This particular bar has a rustic, grainy texture reminiscent of Mexican style chocolate. We think the texture of this bar enhances its Mexican-like flavors.

Come in on Saturday and have a taste for yourself! We'll also be sampling this bar's sibling, the Olive & Sinclair Salt & Pepper bar.

Anna & Stacey
Chocolate Bar-istas

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